
Showing posts from November, 2020

24 Nov 2020: Cold-Weather Firefighting- Ideas and Issues

I ce   covers an engine at a  2015 fire in Schenectady, NY. Winter Fire Safety and Tactics Well, it’s happened again – winter is upon us. In our little High Desert Valley, summer and winter both bring with them their own very unique challenges. In that spirit, I put together a little bit of a training/reminder on what to look for, what to expect, and what to work on as we prepare for and fulfill our duties during the coming winter- even if we can’t get together and train in person. The NFPA (National Fire Protection Association, our very own Firefighting safety watchdogs and overlords) has a page with PDF fire safety digests and other resources for you to read, remember, and share with people who might come to you with questions about fire safety during the holidays and the cold season that's upon us. There're always a few fire safety articles to look at from insurance companies, and here's one from Rockford Mutual about the six most common causes of fire during the wint

17 November 2020: SLICE-RS- Making sure the hard jobs on the fireground are done well

SLICE-RS When we roll up on a fire or what we've been told is a situation where we need to make a difference or solve any number of problems, it's imperative to have tools whereby we can make sure that we have all of the information necessary for ourselves to do the job well and enable others to assist us or document the situation. That's precisely what the acronym and practices behind SLICE-RS are for. For tonight's virtual training, please take a look at this video and take the time to integrate this acronym's principals into what you already know about initial size-up techniques and tactics for preserving life, property, and above all else, keeping our fire family safe. That way we can go out on more jobs together and keep learning, growing, and tying in together... Check out this PDF   with information about each step in the SLICE-RS fire incident sequence.   And finally, the a summary of the sequence for review.   Thanks, and have a good week. We'll see ya

Quick Intro to This Site

Hi, Y'all! This page will evolve to become a training and informational clearinghouse for our department until something better can be set up. You will find links to training videos, zoom meetings, or other information to be shared that cannot or ought not be put out via our other modes of communication, including radio comms and text messaging. Thanks!