
Showing posts from December, 2020

29 December 2020: Engine 151- Infobase on our International Type 3 WUI engine

 ...And the second post on our equipment inventory includes procedures and protocol for getting Engine 151 up, running, and on the road- Again, hopefully it's helpful in reminding and training those who take it out and about on calls and trainings.  Always let me know how I can improve this and future step-by-steps. How to start and move E151:       And yes, I pulled the battery charging cord out by the cord. Don't do as I did with a camera in my other hand- Always pull cords by the plug, fer heaven's sake!  Manuals and other helps: Coming soon!    

15 December 2020: Engine 15- Info on Spring City's ‘Legacy’ 1992 Pierce Pumper

This is the first in a series of posts highlighting operations, maintenance, and other information on each of the apparatus and much of the equipment in our inventory. Check here when you have questions that cannot be answered by your officers or fellow firefighters- you might be pleasantly surprised with information to make your job and efforts easier and more effective.   The following is a quick first vid attempt reviewing procedures and protocol for getting Engine 15 up, running, and out the door- Hopefully it's helpful in reminding those who don't get to take her out much. It's always good to know how to run the vehicles safely, if for no other reason than to be confident in moving them around for maintenance and training. Please let me know how I can improve this and future step-by-steps!     Operation Manual PDF (Coming Soon from our Pierce Dealer)   Pierce Legacy Pumper Parts List (PDF Download)  

08 December 2020: Review of Tonight's Training: Hydrants, Hose and Nozzle, and Drip Torches

From tonight's training, here are some review vids and info for y'all: A quick fire hydrant hookup video link . Keep in mind that different departments do things according to their needs and policies- this vid is for purposes of review and envisioning the best outcome. A page on hose nozzles ; check out the different types, methods, and uses... And finally, drip torch prep and safe use:   Thanks for tying in, y’all!

01 December 2020: Wildland Fire, NCWG, Certifications, and Wildland Opportunities

  In many ways, wildland fires are our bread and butter- with regards to income for our department and in being able to get outside, accomplishing goals through good, hard work, and being with our fire family while doing what we do well. It seems that with each passing year, the wildfire season goes further into fall and starts even before spring starts. Nevertheless, our skills and understanding of essential wildland skills needs to be maintained and grown so we can improve our effectiveness in the field and become better leaders- both in and out of the season. There are lots of skills-based courses for new understanding as well as refreshers to enable firefighters to keep on top of their old game, but sometimes we have a hard time finding both the content (or online classes) and the master lists of requirements and tasks necessary to complete the certification for wildfire roles. Remember that each step takes time and practice, so if you're just beginning your wildland firefight