
Showing posts from March, 2023

Wildfire Red Card Refresher 2023 (RT-130)

Wildfire Red Card Refresher (RT-130) Spring City Fire Department - 28 February 2023 Little Sahara BLM Portion Watch ‘Oh, its Just a Grass Fire' video - YouTube LCES + P  Fight complacency  Cut fence, don't jump fence  Rookies: speak-up about what you see or need! Often it's something important that the veterans have overlooked or forgotten... Situational Awareness + Assessment Importance of anchor points and “Fighting from the Black/Dragging the Black” Review radio comms and practice with radios Communications > better actions + smoother/quicker reactions  Best possible engagement in the fight S130 + S190 and LCES = the basics that bring us home after the fire Bring up the little things in AAR - That’s what keeps us aware and careful  Richfield Interagency Interagency Center/ RIFC Portion New Numbers for NIFC: (435) 896-8404 on-call: (435) 348-1678   Contact Sanpete Dispatch, then RIFC for anything outside city limits with the ‘Quick 6’  Call w