Wildfire Red Card Refresher 2023 (RT-130)

Wildfire Red Card Refresher (RT-130)
Spring City Fire Department - 28 February 2023

Little Sahara BLM Portion

Watch ‘Oh, its Just a Grass Fire' video- YouTube

  • LCES + P 
  • Fight complacency 
  • Cut fence, don't jump fence 
  • Rookies: speak-up about what you see or need! Often it's something important that the veterans have overlooked or forgotten...
  • Situational Awareness + Assessment
  • Importance of anchor points and “Fighting from the Black/Dragging the Black”
  • Review radio comms and practice with radios
  • Communications > better actions + smoother/quicker reactions 
  • Best possible engagement in the fight
  • S130 + S190 and LCES = the basics that bring us home after the fire
  • Bring up the little things in AAR- That’s what keeps us aware and careful 

Richfield Interagency Interagency Center/RIFC Portion

New Numbers for NIFC:

(435) 896-8404


(435) 348-1678

  •  Contact Sanpete Dispatch, then RIFC for anything outside city limits with the ‘Quick 6’
  •  Call with the complete size-up as soon as possible to get all resources en-route and best   input and results from inbound.
  •  Update the size-up if something significant changes! (Always keep Richfield in the loop)
  •  Remember to call in and out of service all resources on the fire- engines and trucks
  •  Update with the complete size-up as soon as possible.

Watch ‘8 Line- Incident Medical Response’ video from Oregon Dept of Forestry - YouTube

  • Begin with clear, organized, planned communication from the onset
  • Proper scene size-up and assessment begets solid communication/coordination from the onset
  • Prepare, communicate, and set in play plans A, B, and if at all possible or necessary, plan C.

Watch ‘How to Size Up a Wildfire-Initial Attack’ video from Oregon Dept of Forestry - YouTube

  • Importance of clear communication and calm coordination 
  • This comes from practice and experience.

You can check out this RT-130 outline from the National Wildfire Coordinating Group, too. Thanks!


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